The Three D’s

This is going to be a quick one so you can read slowly!

Get what you want using the Three D’s

The first ‘D’ – DESIRE

If you don’t desire to have something specific, then there’s no point reading on. You must desire something deep down in your bones. Already have that desire? You are 33% there!

The second ‘D’ – DECISION

You must make a decision to make it happen come what may, burn your bridges and tell the universe that you will do whatever it takes to get your Desire (see the first ‘D’!). Decide. Done that? Then you are 66% there! Well done!

The third ‘D’ – DEDICATION

The universe does not reward people who simply want things a lot. It rewards people who have a definite (another D) Desire, make the Decision to go get it and have the Dedication to keep working to get that Desire come what may and however hard it is to get it.

Done that? You are 100% there! Yes!

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